We would all love a surprise proposal with ring in hand, but what happens when it does happen and you look at the beautiful ring (he thinks), and you hate it.
There he is on bended knee, beaming up at you as he pops the question and is so proud in choosing a ring all by himself and you feel that joy of the proposal but your smile starts to weaken as you see the “ring”.
You are crying with excitement (or is it horror), you won’t want to hurt their feelings, but it just is not going to go on your finger in public.
Well there are a few things that can be done in a tactful manner to get the ring you want.
Solitaire ring – Well they probably thought this was a safe choice. It may not be what you want but think of what it could be.
You could combine the engagement and wedding ring into a set.
Speak with a jeweller about engraving the sides of the ring or even adding some smaller stones.
You are a couple so talk – If you do not like your ring then every time you look at your hand you will see the ring and feel a twinge of disappointment. Why not speak to your partner in a SENSATIVE manner and discuss that you were thrilled with the proposal and the ring but would like to include a few changes so that is unique to the “two” of you and represents your future life together. This then gives you a way to get to the jeweller and discuss the ring and yes even include your partner in the discussions with the jeweller so they feel a part of it and not heart broken that their “surprise” wasn’t what you wanted.
How to avoid this altogether – Simple, if you have a slight inkling that a proposal may be coming then drop a few hints, like when you see an add on television for a jeweller say out loud “who would wear that”, “oh I love that”, etc, give them an idea of what you do or don’t like.
A hint could also be instigated with the help of a friend showing of their engagement ring, make sure he sees it and then when the two of you are alone, say how you either like or dislike it, or maybe it would have looked better with stones down the side, engraving etc. This gives you an in for the conversation without them realising it. At lease we hope it does.
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